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Can I Bring Your Own Music And Beverages When Hiring A Limo In Hockley Heath?

May 26

Can I bring your own music and beverages into the Limo Hire Hockley Heath? That is a typical question that arises from the use of a limousine in a cultural environment. Most visitors are aware that you do not have to bring anything to a limo, but there are a few essentials that you should know before entering the vehicle. In a few moments, we'll examine these issues and some suggestions for your enjoyment of your trip.

Can I bring your music and beverages into Limo Hire Hockley Heath? It is permissible to have music playing inside a limousine, provided that it does not interfere with the safety of other passengers. You may listen to your choice of music from a mp3 player attached to your laptop or by using a CD player if you have one. This can be done in the driver's seat or on the main console while the vehicle is in motion. You may drink alcoholic beverages from a can or from a cup in the passenger area of the vehicle, but you must keep your glass down at all times. Limo Hire Hockley Heath work with Limo Hire Solihull and ensure safety at all times.

Can I bring your pet into the Hockley Heath Limo? If you are traveling with a pet, you will need to check with the limo company about their policies on pets. Some Limo companies do not allow pets altogether, while others will not charge extra fees for them as long as the pet remains in the car. Pet passengers must remain at the tailgate of the limo. The pet will need to be leashed or have its harness removed prior to travel.

What about passengers who have allergies or special dietary needs? Some limo companies do not serve alcohol to these clients. Others may serve beer or other forms of soft drinks. Before ordering alcoholic beverages, check with the limo company to see if they accept specific beverages that your passenger may have a problem with. For example, caffeine is a problem for many people.

Can I bring your mobile phone? You must leave your mobile phone in your purse or briefcase before you board the limo. Limo services do not allow mobile phones inside the vehicles. It is also important to make sure that your ear phones and other small electronics are also left in your handbags or pockets. Some limo services do not allow mobile devices of any kind into the limousine.

Can you order alcoholic beverages for your passengers? You are not allowed to serve alcohol before you board the limo. However, some limo companies do permit an occasional refill for a fee. As long as you purchase an adult beverage and have it on board, you should be fine.

Can you bring your video game console into the limo? It is permissible to play music from the audio system inside the limo. However, video games and other items that occupy excessive space in the vehicle are not permitted. If you have a video game player and it is too large, it may block the vents that are used to release carbon monoxide into the cabin. This could cause deadly problems if the driver does not notice the game is obstructing the vents.

Can you bring your children and drink alcohol at the same time? You are not allowed to drink any alcoholic beverages or children under the age of 16. However, some limo companies do allow passengers who have small children with them to enjoy a drink while they are riding. It is important to ask the limo company before you get on board.

For more information please check our Yahoo site:
Limo Hire Solihull
Unit 58, 123 Stratford Road
Shirley, Solihull
West Midlands
B90 3ND
Tel: 0121 7255 316